Friday, January 8, 2021

Countering false history taught to Dalits..5 /6/7

Countering false history taught to Dalits:5

The word “Shudra” has come in Vedas around 20 times. Nowhere has it been used in a derogatory manner. Nowhere it mentions that Shudras are untouchable, birth-based, disallowed from study of Vedas, lesser in status than other Varnas or are disallowed in Yagnas.

In Vedas, Shudra means a hard-working person. (Tapase Shudram – Yajurved 30.5). And that is why Purush Sukta calls them as foundation of entire human society.

The truth of life: 6

The Vedas teach us that Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra are not Jaati but Varna's - based on professions adopted by people out of their own choice.

Since the four Varnas refer to 4 kinds of activities by choice, as per Vedas, the same person exhibits characteristics of the 4 varnas in different situations. Thus everyone belongs to all the 4 varnas. 

However, for simplicity sake, we refer to the predominant profession to be the representative Varna.

And hence, all humans should strive to be all the 4 Varnas to best of their capabilities, as per Vedic wisdom. This is the essence of Purush Sukta.

Did you know this : 7

1. Matanga was son of Chandal but became a Brahmin.

2. Raavan was born from Pulatsya Rishi but became a Rakshas.

3. Pravriddha was son of Raghu King but became a Rakshas.

4. Trishanku was a king but became a Chandal

5. Sons of Vishwamitra became Shudra. Vishwamitra himself was a Kshatriya who later became a Brahmin.

6 . Vidur was son of a servant but became a Brahmin and minister of Hastinapur empire.


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