Friday, January 8, 2021

Removing misconceptions amongst the Dalits...1 & 2

Removing misconceptions amongst Dalits :1

Vedas consider all the four Varnas including Shudra as Arya and gives them utmost respect.

It is unfortunate that in this country of ours, where Vedas were the foundation of our culture, we forgot these original lessons of Vedas and got trapped in a variety of misconceptions regarding birth-based caste system and discrimination of people born in certain castes collectively known as Shudras.

The misleading theories of communists / leftists and biased ideologists have already caused a great damage to our society and have sown seeds of differences. 

It is unfortunate that so-called Dalits consider themselves outcaste and hence we fail to unite together for prosperity and security. The only solution is to go back to the roots – the Vedas – and rebuild our understanding of our relationships with each other.

Removing misconceptions: 2

As per the Vedas, in society, Brahmins or intellectuals form the brain or head or mouth that think and speak. Kshatriya or defense personnel form the hands that protect. Vaishya or producers and businessmen form the thigh that support and nurture (note that thigh bone or femur produces blood and is strongest bone). In Atharvaveda, instead of Uru or Thigh, the word “Madhya” is used meaning that it denotes also the stomach and central part of body.

Shudra or Labor force form the legs that lay the foundation and make the body run.

All are interlinked and important, and the body is incomplete without any one of them.


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