Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Kailash Parvat

 Kailash Parvat

Why is Mount Kailash a part of China?

Mount Kailash is one of the holiest places in the world for Hindus. It is the abode of Bhagwan Shiva and it is said that visiting Mount Kailash is enough to wash away all the sins of even previous births.

A lot of the devotees have the question Where is Mount Kailash located?, the answer to Kailash Parvat Location is that Kailash Parvat is not exactly a part of China but Mt. Kailash and Mansarovar Lake is situated in Tibet, which is under the administrative rule of China. 

In the past few centuries, it was not a part of any major Indian empire. 

🇳🇵  Kailash was part of Nepal a long time back and was ruled by a Nepali King. It was the Nepali king who gifted the Kailash area to a Tibetan King as dowry for his daughter’s marriage and then it became a part of Tibet. 

After that, it has always been Tibetan territory and when India got independence in 1947, it was still the case. 

India has never had a problem with Tibet. We also had strong cultural and trade ties with Tibet for centuries and many Tibetan scholars came to India to study in its famed universities. But when the Red Army of China annexed Tibet in the 1950s, India stood mutely and perhaps that was a diplomatic blunder of considerable proportions. However, thousands of Indian Hindu pilgrims go on the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra every year in peace and harmony.

Significance of Kailash Parvat

Kailash Parvat is important for more than just its geological structure. It is also important in faith, folklore, and traditional respect. That particular  mountain in Tibet, which is part of the Transhimalaya, has been a source of fascination for people from all walks of life for hundreds of years. Let's look at the different things about Kailash Parvat that make it so attractive.

Spiritual Significance

Abode of the Divine: In Hindu tradition, Kailash Parvat is revered as the abode of Lord Shiva, a principal deity known for his aspects of destruction and regeneration. Accompanying him is his consort, Parvati, and their divine entourage.

Centre of the Universe: In many ancient texts and traditions, Kailash is referred to as the cosmic axis, the centre of the universe, where heaven meets earth, serving as a spiritual axis mundi.

Sacred Site for Multiple Religions: Apart from Hinduism, Kailash holds significant religious value in Buddhism, Jainism, and the Bon religion. In Buddhism, it is seen as the home of Demchok, a significant tantric deity. Jains consider it the site where their first Tirthankara attained Nirvana.

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