Sunday, July 18, 2021

Beauty of Indian temples - Dilwara temple at Mount Abu

 Dilwara Jain Temples..

Dilwara Temples or Delvada Temples are a group of svetambara Jain temples located about 2 1⁄2 kilometres from the Mount Abu settlement, Rajasthan's only hill station. 

The earliest were built by Vimal Shah and supposedly designed or at least financed by Vastupala, Jain minister of Dholka. They date between the 11th and 14th centuries, forming some of the most famous monuments in the style of Māru-Gurjara architecture, famous for their use of a very pure white marble and intricate marble carvings. 

They are a pilgrimage place for Jains, and a significant general tourist attraction. Although Jains built many temples at other places in Rajasthan, the Dilwara temples are believed to be the most impressive.

The Dilwara Temple includes five equally beguiling temples namely- Vimal Vasahi, Luna Vasahi, Pittalhar, Parshavanatha and Mahavir Swami Temple dedicated to Lord Adinath, Lord Rishabhdeo, Lord Neminath, Lord Mahavir Swami and Lord Parshvanath respectively. 

Out of these five, Vimal Vasahi and Luna Vasahi are the most famous. Each of these shrines has Rang Mandap, a central hall, Garbhagraha, the innermost sanctum where Lord resides and Navchowki, a group of nine heavily decorated ceilings. Some other spell bounding structures include Kirthi Stumbh and Hathishala. 

With its simplicity and austerity, Dilwara Temple tells you about Jain values and principles.



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