Sunday, November 15, 2020

Naraka Chaturdashi - the tale

We often hear story of Lord Krishna had 16,0000 wives, but there is a reason for it - and it’s connected to today’s day - 

Naraka Chaturdashi

The 14th day (Krishna Paksha) of the month of Kartika is today

The significance of today’s celebration is Lord Krishna’s defeat of the Asura Narakasura

Narakasura, the ruler of  Pragjyotishpur, a province to the South of Nepal. was the epitome of all things evil

He roamed across the world waging war for no reason other than the pleasure of killing and looting. He had kidnapped thousands of young girls from the places where he was victorious and forced them into servitude of every kind to him

 This caused great sorrow and grief all over the world. Eventually, their cries for rescue were heard by Krishna, who came to rescue them. He fought and killed Narakasur and liberated the 16,000 young women who had been imprisoned and enslaved.

However, when the young women and girls went to their respective homes they found no welcome, because their people thought of them as dishonoured.  So they went back to Lord Krishna who was in Dwaraka at that time, and asked for help. 

Lord Krishna, realizes the importance of giving these innocent and unfortunate women a status in life, decided to give all of them the status of his wife

 Lord Krishna thus, through his actions showed and still shows us that a woman raped or dishonored is NOT to be blamed. But she, is to be brought back into society with full respect and dignity. This is also why Lord Krishna is said to have had 16,008 wives. 

But this ultimate act of chivalry from any man or God in the history of the world,

has been distorted by many unscrupulous and wicked people and agencies to mock  and create disrespect for Hindus and Lord Krishna.

Today once again, we remember our ancestors. Lamps are lit to show mashal (torch) to the ancestors, and also do ulka-daan (Deep Daan), for their safe journey back to their Pitra Loka. 

Never feel alone, see your very existence as an expression of the love, care & service of your ancestors. They care for us, help us with their motivations & wisdom. So never ignore such unseen benevolent powers in the universe.

What & How to do :

1. It is said that on this day, early in the morning, Goddess Lakshmiji comes and resides in oil, and Gangaji comes and resides in water. So one should get up early in the morning and have a good oil massage, and then have a hot water bath. Whoever does this is blessed with the grace of Lakshmiji and Gangaji. 

Many people use a special smear, the traditional 'Upatan'. Thank God for the blessing of giving you this human body & life, and resolve to keep the body healthy and in fine shape, so as to make the best of this life.

2. Do your daily Puja / Sandhya Vandana, then do special tarpan for Lord Yama using water mixed with Til Oil. Offer water mixed with few drops of Til Oil in the south direction. Express your reverence & do namaskar to the Lord. 

Special prayers are offered to the Lord with the sankalpa that 

'May we always tread the path of goodness & righteousness. May we desist from doing any evil, with our mind or body.  May we desist from all self-centered desires, anger and greed (Kama, Krodha & Lobha). May we religiously follow the scriptures which reveal a life style which facilitate dynamic, inspired, holistic & selfless service to others.

Since ancient times, an awareness was inculcated in the minds of everyone to live a positive life and desist from the negative one

3. Then light a lamp with Til Oil, and put it in the front of your house, with the prayer and say,

 “May I and all the members of this household be blessed with virtuous deeds and thoughts, good health, and live life in such a conscientious & virtuous way that all of us attain the best in this life and also beyond, and never live an insensitive life which leads one to a life & world full of pain, problems & grief “.

 It is a blessing and an oath of chivalry and goodness…A promise that you make with your family to lead a virtuous, considerate and compassionate life.

4.Decorate an altar of Lord Krishna and offer special prayers to our sweet Lord.

5. Go and light some oil lamps in your nearby temple, the area surrounding your garden, well, village/town/city etc…In the evening decorate your home. 

Note how the sequence of lighting and decorating is….First the nearby Temple , then your garden/well ( so that others may see and enjoy), next the village/town/city and only then your home….this is how our ancestors deemed that we celebrate our sacred days with joy, generosity and in service of others.

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